Join now to tap into the
power of neuroplasticity to
rewire your brain and peacefully create the life of your dreams!
Join now to tap into the
power of neuroplasticity to
rewire your brain and peacefully
create the life of your dreams!
Insecure people are more likely to...
Confident people are more likely to...
Which person do you
want to be?
Insecure people are more likely to...
Confident people are more likely to...
Which person do you want to be?
Five years ago, the combination of
14-hour workdays in high-stress environments and...
...over a decade of battling severe body dysmorphia and an eating disorder, landed me in the emergency room up to 4 times a week with excruciating pain, a destroyed gut, imbalanced hormones, and panic attacks so intense I thought they
were heart attacks.
It took me YEARS to correct
symptoms like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, GERD,
chronic nausea and more.
The chemical imbalances in my body seemed to have my nervous system locked in fight-or-flight mode.
This caused my career, businesses, and relationships to completely deteriorate, which just fueled my Shame Cycle more.
Every day felt like an uphill climb, and I never seemed to be able to reach the peak of Peace.
I was shocked and frustrated to find that the pain pills that I was prescribed barely ever worked.
It was like putting tiny band aids
on a huge gaping wound.
Multiple pills, multiple times a day, for roughly 50 minutes of relief, if that.
I finally reached the point where
I was completely fed up.
I couldn’t bear the thought of a lifetime of chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression or the career and financial failure that came as a result of deep shame, insecurity, and feelings of unworthiness.
Something HAD to be done.
Rewiring my brain, getting out of the Shame Cycle, and regulating my nervous system became my #1 focus.
I've always been in love with neuroscience and psychology...
and dreamed of getting my Master's degree and pursuing a career in epigenetics...
so I spent the pandemic years listening to podcasts and reading research journals by experts in the field of neuroscience to figure out what I could do to heal myself.
*Note: Some of the research studies are linked at the end of this page.
4 ½ years later I feel so blessed to say that I am now nausea and chronic pain-free with more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.
I’ve developed a deep love, respect, and appreciation for myself and my “outer world” finally mirrors the
beauty of my “inner world”.
My nervous system is far more regulated. I no longer become overwhelmed or paralyzed by life’s challenges.
My relationships are thriving. My businesses are growing. And I am slowly but surely creating the life I've always dreamt of living.
What I’ve found is that healing is not a one-and-done situation.
Confidence is not something that you build one day and then it just lasts forever.
Each short CognoZen training session includes fun brain-stimulating and nervous system-soothing exercises that I use daily to
💫 increase brain neuroplasticity
💫 regulate the nervous system
💫 boost self-confidence and self-love and
💫 dramatically improve every area of life, including finances, relationships, and professional goals.
This program did more than change my saved it.
And I am confident that it can transform yours, too. ☺️
Five years ago, the combination of 14-hour workdays in high-stress environments and...
...over a decade of battling severe body dysmorphia and an eating disorder, landed me in the emergency room up to 4 times a week with excruciating pain, a destroyed gut, imbalanced hormones, and panic attacks so intense I thought they were heart attacks.
It took me YEARS to correct symptoms like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, GERD, chronic nausea and more.
The chemical imbalances in my body seemed to have my nervous system locked in fight-or-flight mode.
This caused my career, businesses, and relationships to completely deteriorate, which just fueled my Shame Cycle more.
Every day felt like an uphill climb, and I never seemed to be able to reach the peak of Peace.
I was shocked and frustrated to find that the pain pills that I was prescribed barely ever worked.
It was like putting tiny band aids on a huge gaping wound.
Multiple pills, multiple times a day, for roughly 50 minutes of relief, if that.
I finally reached the point where I was completely fed up.
I couldn’t bear the thought of a lifetime of chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression or the career and financial failure that came as a result of deep shame, insecurity, and feelings of unworthiness.
Something HAD to be done.
Rewiring my brain, getting out of the Shame Cycle, and regulating my nervous system became my #1 focus.
I've always been in love with neuroscience and psychology...
And dreamed of getting my Master's degree and pursuing a career in epigenetics...
So I spent the pandemic years listening to podcasts and reading research journals by experts in the field of neuroscience to figure out what I could do to heal myself.
*Note: Some of the research studies are linked at the end of this page.
4 ½ years later I feel so blessed to say that I am now nausea and chronic pain-free with more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.
I’ve developed a deep love, respect, and appreciation for myself and my “outer world” finally mirrors the beauty of my “inner world”.
My nervous system is far more regulated. I no longer become overwhelmed or paralyzed by life’s challenges.
My relationships are thriving. My businesses are growing. And I am slowly but surely creating the life I've always dreamt of living.
What I’ve found is that healing is not a one-and-done situation.
Confidence is not something that you build one day and then it just lasts forever.
Each short CognoZen training session includes fun brain-stimulating and nervous system-soothing exercises that I use daily to
💫 increase brain neuroplasticity
💫 regulate the nervous system
💫 boost self-confidence and self-love and
💫 dramatically improve every area of life, including finances, relationships, and professional goals.
This program did more than change my saved it.
And I am confident that it can transform yours, too. ☺️
What Is Inside
The Bundle?
The CognoZen Method™
The Wealth & Career Success program is perfect for you if:
You’re ready to transform your life and transcend the stress of struggling to make ends meet
every month.
You want to
confidently launch the business you’ve been procrastinating on for months (or years 😬) and start generating consistent sales and raking in that CASH!!
You pray for a future where you attract new clients who understand the value you offer,
are willing to pay whatever price you ask for, and are vying for the opportunity to work with YOU instead of you having to chase
and beg them to sign up for
your services.
You imagine yourself leaving your boring and draining job and
- Confidently entering the
job market
- Blowing interviewers away with your charisma and expertise, and
- Landing a new position that pays way better and has better benefits than your current job does.
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the wealth & career success you dream of now!
Get 30+ WEALTH & CAREER SUCCESS videos to help you rewire your brain for more wealth & success now!
This course also includes...
The CognoZen Method™
The Singles section of the Love 4 All program is perfect for you if:
You’re ready to find peace, wholeness, and contentment within yourself while staying open to allowing new love to flow in.
You want to release old relationship baggage so you can enter into your new relationship refreshed, hopeful, and healed.
You want to feel confident putting yourself out there and stepping back into the dating scene.
You want to feel worthy, desirable, and enough just as you are, whether you're single or taken.
You want to stop settling and finally attract the partner and relationship you've been dreaming of your
whole life!
Get 30+ SINGLES & LOVE session videos to help you train your brain to manifest the love life of
your dreams now!
This course also includes...
The CognoZen Method™
This program is perfect if you're casually dating or in a committed relationship and want to:
Build a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone who understands, appreciates, and fits you.
Get out of the cycle of toxicity and manifest a mature relationship filled with respect and peace.
Attract someone who wants YOU,
likes YOU, appreciates YOU, and
wants to fully commit to YOU and
only you (unless poly is your jam.
If so, carry on)… and they make
you want to fully commit, too!
(No more side pieces!)
Start loving yourself so deeply
that you never entertain anyone that doesn’t treat you as well as you
treat yourself.
If you're looking to erase
the thought patterns that have kept you stuck in the cycle of toxicity for good and enter into a new relationship era filled with love,
peace, and genuine joy...
this program is for you!
Get 30+ HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP session videos to help you train your brain to manifest the love life of
your dreams now!
The CognoZen Method™
Maybe you already have
plenty of money and are in the perfect relationship (ya lucky duck! 😝) and you just need to work on boosting your confidence and
This program can help you:
Start truly believing that you are good enough exactly as you are, even when you’re not “perfect”.
Quiet your inner critic and train yourself to think more positive and uplifting thoughts.
Start feeling comfortable and secure in your own skin.
Feel more confident in social settings instead of being totally self-conscious and awkward. (We've all been there!)
Become completely convinced that YOU ARE WORTHY of all of the good, blessings, abundance, and happiness that life can bring you.
Use neuroplasticity to rewire your brain to think thoughts that honor, respect, and uplift you so you can start feeling completely confident at all times and in any situation!
Get 30+ COGNOZEN CONFIDENCE session videos to help you train your brain to manifest the love life of
your dreams now!
This course also includes...
Scripting Workbooks
You'll get our full library of manifestation workbooks, including:
30+ "Rampage"
Brain Rewiring Videos
Check out our constantly growing collection of "rampage" sleep affirmation and CognoZen
training videos.
These videos are energizing and designed to quickly embed a new belief in your subconscious mind.
New videos are added regularly.
Inner Healing
& Personal Development Lessons + Worksheets
You'll get access to our extensive library of devotionals, lessons, worksheets and workbooks on inner healing, mindset, personal development, professional development, and more!
New lessons and worksheets
are added weekly.
What Is Inside The Bundle?
The CognoZen Method™
The Wealth & Career Success program is perfect for you if:
You’re ready to transform your life and transcend the stress of struggling to make ends meet every month.
You want to confidently launch the business you’ve been procrastinating on for months (or years 😬) and start generating consistent sales and raking in that CASH!!
You pray for a future where you attract new clients who understand the value you offer, are willing to pay whatever price you ask for, and are vying for the opportunity to work with YOU instead of you having to chase and beg them to sign up for your services.
You imagine yourself leaving your boring and draining job and
- Confidently entering the job market
- Blowing interviewers away with your charisma and expertise, and
- Landing a new position that pays way better and has better benefits than your current job does.
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the wealth & career success you dream of now!
Get 30+ core WEALTH & CAREER SUCCESS videos to help you rewire your brain for more wealth & success now!
This course also includes...
The CognoZen Method™
The Singles section of the Love 4 All program is perfect for you if:
You’re ready to find peace, wholeness, and contentment within yourself while staying open to allowing new love to flow in.
You want to release old relationship baggage so
you can enter into your new relationship refreshed, hopeful, and healed.
You want to feel confident putting yourself out there and stepping back into the dating scene.
You want to feel worthy, desirable, and enough just as you are, whether you're single or taken.
You want to stop settling and finally attract the partner and relationship you've been dreaming of your whole life!
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the love life of your dreams now!
Get 30+ SINGLES & LOVE session videos to help you train your brain to manifest the love life of
your dreams now!
This course also includes...
The CognoZen Method™
This program is perfect if you're casually dating or in a committed relationship and want to:
Build a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone who understands, appreciates, and fits you.
Get out of the cycle of toxicity and manifest a mature relationship filled with respect and peace.
Attract someone who wants YOU, likes YOU, appreciates YOU, and wants to fully commit to YOU and only you (unless poly is your jam. If so, carry on)…and they makes you want to fully commit, too! (No more side pieces!)
Start loving yourself so deeply that you never entertain anyone that doesn’t treat you as well as you treat yourself.
If you're looking to erase the thought patterns that have
kept you stuck in the cycle of toxicity for good and
enter into a new relationship era filled with love, peace, and genuine joy...
this program is for you!
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the love life of your dreams now!
Get 30+ HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP session videos to help you train your brain to manifest the love life of your dreams now!
The CognoZen Method™
Maybe you already have plenty of money and are in the perfect relationship (ya lucky duck! 😝) and you just need to work on boosting your confidence and self-love.
This program can help you:
Start truly believing that you are good enough exactly as you are, even when you’re not “perfect”.
Quiet your inner critic and train yourself to think more positive and uplifting thoughts.
Start feeling comfortable and secure in your own skin.
Feel more confident in social settings instead of being totally self-conscious and awkward. (We've all been there!)
Become completely convinced that YOU ARE WORTHY of all of the good, blessings, abundance, and happiness that life can bring you.
Use neuroplasticity to rewire your brain to think thoughts that honor, respect, and uplift you so you can start feeling completely confident at all times and in any situation!
Get 30+ COGNOZEN CONFIDENCE session videos to help you
train your brain to manifest the confidence & self love you need now!
This course also includes...
You'll get our full library of manifestation workbooks, including:
30+ "Rampage"
Brain Rewiring Videos
Check out our constantly growing collection of "rampage" sleep affirmation and CognoZen training videos.
These videos are energizing and designed to quickly embed a new belief in your subconscious mind.
New videos are added regularly.
Inner Healing
& Personal Development Lessons + Worksheets
You'll get access to our extensive library of devotionals, lessons, worksheets and workbooks on inner healing, mindset, personal development, professional development, and more!
New lessons and worksheets are added weekly.
"These exercises
are really unique!
How does neuroplasticity
help rewire my brain?"
What is neuroplasticity?
In the simplest terms:
“Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.”
“It is an umbrella term referring to the brain’s ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks.”
Research has proven that our brains are malleable, or changeable, and can be positively or negatively influenced by factors including:
· Your environment
· Chronic stress
· Sensory stimuli
· Psychoactive drugs
· Hormones
· Family and peer relationships
· Intestinal flora
· Diet
· Brain damage from events like stroke or traumatic injury
By combining specific affirmation scripts with fun brain - stimulating exercises, breathwork, bilateral stimulation, and consistency you can strengthen new neural pathways that promote higher levels of confidence, self-love, self-acceptance, and mental and physical peace…
…and override and replace old neural pathways that keep you broke, unhappy, unfulfilled and stuck in the Shame Cycle.
Tapping into your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways can play a large role in increasing your self-confidence and sense of self, soothing your nervous system, and improving your overall quality of life.
"These exercises are really unique!
How does neuroplasticity
help rewire my brain?"
What is neuroplasticity?
In the simplest terms:
“Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.”
“It is an umbrella term referring to the brain’s ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks.”
Research has proven that our brains are malleable, or changeable, and can be positively or negatively influenced by factors including:
· Your environment
· Chronic stress
· Sensory stimuli
· Psychoactive drugs
· Hormones
· Family and peer relationships
· Intestinal flora
· Diet
· Brain damage from events like stroke or traumatic injury
By combining specific affirmation scripts with fun brain - stimulating exercises, breathwork, bilateral stimulation, and consistency you can strengthen new neural pathways that promote higher levels of confidence, self-love, self-acceptance, and mental and physical peace…
…and override and replace old neural pathways that keep you broke, unhappy, unfulfilled and stuck in the Shame Cycle.
Tapping into your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways can play a large role in increasing your self-confidence and sense of self, soothing your nervous system, and improving your overall quality of life.
So...are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life?
If you're ready to...
Then join
The CognoZen Method™ today!
*If using both hands at the same time feels too challenging, try doing
1 at a time!*
So...are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life?
If you're ready to...
Then join The CognoZen Method™ today!
*If using both hands at the same time feels too challenging,
try doing 1 at a time!*
Right now is a great time for you to
focus on the money money money!
You’re ready to transform your life and transcend the stress of struggling to make ends meet every month.
You want to confidently
launch the business you’ve been
procrastinating on for months (or years 😬) and start generating consistent sales and raking in that CASH!!
You pray for a future where you attract new clients who understand the value you offer, are willing to pay whatever price you ask for, and are vying for the opportunity to work with YOU instead of you having to chase and beg them to sign up for your services.
You imagine yourself leaving your boring and draining job and confidently enter the job market, blow interviewers away with your charisma and expertise, and land a new position that pays way better and has better benefits than your current job does.
You dream of the day when you...
Have the financial freedom to travel and explore as much as you want to.
Have enough money in your bank account to buy the things you want instead of only what you can afford.
Have peace of mind because you know that you can cover the cost of your, and your loved ones', medical expenses in the case of an emergency.
You want to build a life you never need to take a break from, and you’re ready to start building it NOW!
Here's how you can
train your brain to manifest the
wealth and success you desire.
Join the
program now to
tap into the power of neuroplasticity to rewire your brain and peacefully create the life of your dreams!
Order Now & You'll Get:
Insecure people are more likely to...
Confident people are more likely to...
Which person do you want to be?
Hi, I'm Serenity!
Five years ago,
the combination of 14-hour workdays in high-stress environments and (TRIGGER WARNING) over a decade of battling severe body dysmorphia and an eating disorder,
landed me in the emergency room up to 4 times a week with excruciating pain, a destroyed gut, imbalanced hormones,
and panic attacks so intense I thought they were heart attacks.
It took me YEARS to correct symptoms like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, GERD, chronic nausea and more.
But what was most difficult to overcome were the panic attacks, and the overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and shame that always accompanied them.
The chemical imbalances in my body seemed to have my nervous system locked in fight-or-flight mode.
This caused my career, businesses, and relationships to completely deteriorate, which just fueled my Shame Cycle more.
Every day felt like an uphill climb, and I never seemed to be able to reach the peak of Peace.
I was shocked and frustrated to find that the pills that I was prescribed barely ever worked. It was like putting tiny band aids on a huge gaping wound. Multiple pills, multiple times a day, for roughly 50 minutes of relief,
if that.
I finally reached the point where I was completely fed up. I couldn’t bear the thought of a lifetime of chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression or the career and financial failure that came as a result of deep shame, insecurity, and feelings of unworthiness.
Something had to be done.
Rewiring my brain, getting out of the Shame Cycle, and regulating my nervous system became
my #1 focus.
I've always been in love with neuroscience and psychology, and dreamed of getting my Master's degree and pursuing a career in epigenetics, so I spent years listening to podcasts and reading research journals by experts in the field of neuroscience to figure out what
I could do to heal myself.
*Note: Some of the research studies that inspired the creation of this program are linked at the end of this page.
4 ½ years later I feel so blessed to say that I am now nausea and chronic pain-free with more peace than I’ve ever had in my life.
I’ve developed a deep love, respect, and appreciation for myself and my “outer world” finally mirrors the beauty of my “inner world”.
My nervous system is far more regulated. I no longer become overwhelmed or paralyzed by life’s challenges.
My relationships are thriving. My businesses are growing. And I am slowly but surely creating a life that I love to live.
What I’ve found is that healing is not a one-and-done situation.
Confidence is not something that you build one day and then it just lasts forever.
Each short CognoZen training session includes fun brain-stimulating and nervous system-soothing exercises that I use
daily to increase my brain’s neuroplasticity, regulate my nervous system, boost my self-confidence and self-love, and dramatically improve every area of my life, including my finances, relationships, and professional goals.
This program did more than change my saved it.
And I am confident that it can transform yours, too.
Why Should I Get The Bundle?
The Singles section of the Love 4 All program is perfect for you if:
You’re ready to find peace, wholeness, and contentment within yourself while staying open to allowing new love to flow in.
You want to release old relationship baggage so you can enter into your new relationship refreshed, hopeful, and healed.
You want to feel confident putting yourself out there and stepping back into the dating scene.
You want to feel worthy, desirable, and enough just as you are, whether you're single or taken.
You want to stop settling and finally attract the partner and relationship you've been dreaming of your whole life!
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the love life of your dreams now!
This program is perfect if you're casually dating or in a committed relationship and want to:
Build a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone who understands, appreciates, and fits you.
Get out of the cycle of toxicity and manifest a mature relationship filled with respect and peace.
Attract someone who wants YOU, likes YOU, appreciates YOU, and wants to fully commit to YOU and only you (unless poly is your jam. If so, carry on)…and they makes you want to fully commit, too! (No more side pieces!)
Start loving yourself so deeply that you never entertain anyone that doesn’t treat you as well as you treat yourself.
If you're looking to erase the thought patterns that have kept you stuck in the cycle of toxicity for good and
enter into a new relationship era filled with love, peace, and genuine joy...
this program is for you!
Learn how to train your brain to manifest the love life of your dreams now!
Maybe you already have plenty of money and are in the perfect relationship (ya lucky duck! 😝) and you just need to work on boosting your confidence and self-love.
This program can help you:
Start truly believing that you are good enough exactly as you are, even when you’re not “perfect”.
Quiet your inner critic and train yourself to think more positive and uplifting thoughts.
Start feeling comfortable and secure in your own skin.
Feel more confident in social settings instead of being totally self-conscious and awkward. (We've all been there!)
Become completely convinced that YOU ARE WORTHY of all of the good, blessings, abundance, and happiness that life can bring you.
Use neuroplasticity to rewire your brain to think thoughts that honor, respect, and uplift you so you can start feeling completely confident at all times and in any situation!
These exercises are
really different.
How do they use neuroplasticity to help rewire my brain?
What is neuroplasticity?
In the simplest terms:
“Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.”
“It is an umbrella term referring to the brain’s ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks.”
Research has proven that our brains are malleable, or changeable, and can be positively or negatively influenced by factors including:
· Your environment
· Chronic stress
· Sensory stimuli
· Psychoactive drugs
· Hormones
· Family and peer relationships
· Intestinal flora
· Diet
· Brain damage from events like stroke or traumatic injury
By combining specific affirmation scripts with fun brain - stimulating exercises, breathwork, bilateral stimulation, and consistency you can strengthen new neural pathways that promote higher levels of confidence, self-love, self-acceptance, and mental and physical peace…
…and override and replace old neural pathways that keep you broke, unhappy, unfulfilled and stuck in the Shame Cycle.
Tapping into your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways can play a large role in increasing your self-confidence and sense of self, soothing your nervous system, and improving your overall quality of life.
So...are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life?
If you're ready to...
Then join CognoZen Manifest today!
*If using both hands at the same time feels too challenging, try doing
1 at a time!*
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Completely Confident Me
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.